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Stress-Free Cleaning You Can Trust

Your Trusted Cleaning Service in Park City and Surrounding Areas.

Our Services

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AIR B&B Cleaning

Ensure your guests arrive to a pristine and inviting space every time with our thorough AIR B&B cleaning service.

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Commercial Cleaning

Keep your workplace spotless and conducive to productivity with our comprehensive commercial cleaning services.

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Deep Cleaning

Restore freshness and cleanliness to your home or business with our deep cleaning service, targeting every nook and cranny.

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Garage Cleaning and Organization Services

Transform cluttered chaos into organized bliss with our Garage Cleaning and Organization Services.

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Move In / Move Out Cleaning

Make moving hassle-free with our move in/move out cleaning service, ensuring your new or old space is sparkling clean.

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Office Cleans

Maintain a professional and hygienic workspace with our reliable office cleaning services tailored to your business needs.

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Post Construction Cleaning

Enjoy the fruits of your construction project without the mess with our post-construction cleaning service.

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Rental Property Cleaning

Attract more tenants and ensure repeat bookings with our reliable rental property cleaning service.

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Residential Cleaning

Let us take the stress out of house cleaning with our comprehensive residential cleaning services tailored to your needs.

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Trash Out to Curb

Keep your property tidy and compliant with local regulations with our trash out to curb service.

Why Choose Fern & Karlas Cleaning?

Fern & Karla’s Cleaning is the ideal choice for your cleaning needs. With our licensed and insured status, you can have peace of mind knowing that your home is in safe hands.

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Our experienced and professional cleaners ensure top-quality service, while our personalized cleaning plans cater specifically to your requirements.

Moreover, we prioritize eco-friendliness by utilizing environmentally conscious cleaning products, provided by the client. Choose Fern & Karla’s Cleaning for an exceptional and responsible cleaning experience.

3 reviews on
Will Thomas
Will Thomas
29 August 2022
I would highly recommend Fern and Karla when it comes to cleaning with attention to detail. Im not a dirty person by all means but sometimes dusting is overwhelming and they exceeded my expectations when I didn't find any dust! Would highly recommend!
Victor Melendrez
Victor Melendrez
29 August 2022
I have an air BnB in the Park City area, one of the renters partied really hard and left the place trashed. I called Fern, they were prompt in getting it cleaned by the next booking! Thank again!
Steven Rodriguez
Steven Rodriguez
29 August 2022
Fernando and his wife did an excellent job at cleaning my house last weekend. It was a deep clean of the whole place and they were very respectful and detailed. Would recommend.